Move Abroad: 3 Things I Wish I Knew

If only other expats had told me about some challenges they faced on their move abroad.

It seems so easy from the outside looking in. Doesn’t it always though?

I remember the first time I learned Americans could move to Europe with a visa and valid passport, I was six years old. That move lead me to believe I knew everything because my family moved to Germany shortly after my 6th birthday. All of a sudden, I realized I knew very little when I went to make the move to Paris in my late 20s.

Fast forward to 2019, my husband and I took a trip to Florence, Italy.

We were sold on many aspects of the city, so we decided to sell our home in Los Angeles and purchase a home in city center Florence.

In addition to lots of moving parts to make such a move possible, there are creature comforts that you don’t think about while living day to day.

And so it goes with life, right?

So here are some things I wish someone had told me before we would take the leap to live abroad full-time.

3 Things

  • You need to apply for your visa before leaving the United States – as far as my 6 year old mind was concerned, no added steps were taken before our departure.
  • Language learning is so much easier once you live in a foreign country – at least that’s been my experience; although, I still suggest taking language classes before your big move abroad.
  • I would really miss gooood Mexican food!

Any one of those in particular surprise you? I’d love to know, and get a chance to personally say hello.